Jiaqi Dong
I graduated from Xi’an Jiaotong University and majored in Computer Science and Technology. I’m a Master's student at NUS now and majoring in Biomedical Informatics. I had some research training about genome assembly and DNA computing in Prof. Kai Ye’s lab in XJTU, and I used to work as a remote intern in Prof. Pietro Lio’s lab in Cambridge. Now I’m working on RNA splicing for my Capstone Project in Prof. Liu's lab and I feel excited to solve some biological problems by coding. Besides study, I like playing the piano.
Generation of DNA Strands Representing Handwritten Numbers Based on GAN
(Available on: https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9574373)
Research Progress on the Protective Effect of Lutein on Age-related Macular Degeneration