Our group welcomes highly motivated researchers at all career stages to join us and conduct cutting-edge research.
Open Positions
News: We are recruiting two postdoctoral research fellows to join our group!
Please take a look at the Application Guidelines.
Our lab is seeking highly motivated postdoctoral researchers, graduate students, and undergraduate students to develop novel approaches and extract insights from large-scale functional genomic datasets and translate such insights into preventative medicine and drug discovery.
Our group value motivation and scientific curiosity as much as prior experience. Candidates are encouraged to apply for scholarship and fellowship opportunities. Our group will be happy to assist your applications.
Postdoctoral Scholars
Candidates should have a Ph.D. degree in genetics/genomics, bioinformatics/computational biology, statistics, computer science, electrical engineering, related technical fields, or equivalent practical experience. Candidates should demonstrate research experience through a record of peer-reviewed articles and motivation for independent research.
Potential candidates should provide (1) a cover letter to describe previous research experience projects of interest in our group, (2) an up-to-date curriculum vitae, and (3) contact information for three references to boxiangliu@nus.edu.sg. Postdoctoral fellowships are funded for 3 years. Priorities will be given to those who are applying or have obtained postdoctoral fellowship funding.
Popular funding sources are:
2) Lee Kuan Yew Postdoctoral fellowship;
3) EMBO Postdoctoral fellowship;
4) Human Science Frontiers Fellowship;
5) Banting Postdoctoral Fellowship;
PhD Students
We welcome all applicants with a BSc/MS degree in genetics/genomics, bioinformatics/computational biology, statistics, computer science, electrical engineering, related technical fields, or equivalent practical experience. Prospective students should refer to the recruitment information. When contacting us, please email (1) your research interest, and (2) a short curriculum vitae to boxiangliu@nus.edu.sg.
Undergraduate and Master students
We welcome all NUS undergraduate and master students with related interests to conduct their final year project in our group. When contacting us at boxiangliu@nus.edu.sg, please describe your research interest.